EVENT PROGRAMME FOR THE GREATER LONDON VEGAN FESTIVAL at St Mary’s Marylebone Wyndham Pl, London W1H1PQ on the 18th May 2024:


11am – Camp Beagle: Information to follow

12pm – Urban Squirrels:  The Myth of the evil grey squirrel

Picture the scene. A sunny day in a London park. A group of tourists, or locals, are out enjoying their rare encounter with nature. A grey squirrel makes an appearance, and is as interested in the people as the people are in her. Food is offered to the little animal, and is gratefully taken. There are exclamations of delight, phones come out for pictures. And then someone, perhaps a passer-by, cuts in with, These are considered vermin. They killed off the native reds.” Natalia Doran, who has been rescuing London grey squirrels for the last 10 years, offers her take on this apparent dilemma. Using data from published research papers and insights from animal ethics as a branch of philosophy, she is hoping to debunk THE MYTH OF THE EVIL GREY SQUIRREL.

1pm – Pam Ryan: Anti-Speciesist Language is for Everyone

Pam wholeheartedly believes the rhetoric we accept correlates to the actions we deem acceptable. She desires a more compassionate world, beginning with how to speak to and about one another, including our non-human animal friends. Let’s dive into the violent imagery of our everyday language, the inaccuracy of our animal-related descriptors and the derogatory ways we compare each other to non-human animals. But it’s not all bad! She’ll be sharing alternative everyday idioms, phrases and terms that won’t just change the way we speak but in time may change our mindset too.

2pm – John Awen: Make a Change Now

John will cover many aspects in this talk and all of those aspects will have us shame faced and urge us all to try harder to help bring about the much needed changes in this world.

3pm – Mark Moore: The Dark Secrets of an Animal Farmer 

Discover a profound transformation with Mark Moore, once deeply involved in animal farming, now a passionate vegan speaker. In this event, Mark candidly recounts his journey, unraveling the concealed truths of farming and highlighting his personal shift towards a plant-based lifestyle. Gain a firsthand understanding of the challenges that prompted Mark’s transition, as he unveils the hidden aspects of animal agriculture. Join us for a compelling exploration of Mark’s unique perspective, bridging the gap between the world of farming and the ethical choices that redefine his narrative.


12pm – Dr Ishani Rao: Scientific evidence for arguing a case for veganism 

Dr Ishani Rao, an NHS GP and conservation medic, equips you with the evidence-based science to advocate a case for veganism. She discusses the individual and global health benefits of a plant-based diet, using groundbreaking publications and research. 

2pm – Claire Lucie Sonck: Should our dogs eat a plant-based diet to ? Assessing the environmental impact and ethical consequences of how we feed our pets.

Claire Lucie, a canine nutritionist with years of experience in the pet industry, has spent the last two years analyzing over 1000 scientific papers on the relationship between diet, health, and illness development in dogs. She will explain why our dogs do not require meat biologically, and will answer the burning issue, “Can our dogs be plant-based, and is it really an act of cruelty?” using scientific, peer-reviewed facts.

We are still looking for stallholders,  volunteers, speakers, and demo cooks. If you are interested in any of these roles, please email fundraising@farplace.org.uk or fundraisingassistant@farplace.org.uk

To apply to book a stall: (Limited availability) https://forms.gle/xyfnsG9NEjEpjbwX9 (email for booking

information pack if you need further information first)

We also need some volunteers to help out on the day and to hand out flyers prior to the event.

To Volunteer: https://forms.gle/rQfLBSJEJubaLruZ7

To Flyer for us: https://forms.gle/zVL4NzTPVr26k3zBA