EVENT PROGRAMME FOR THE GREATER LONDON VEGAN FESTIVAL at St Mary’s Marylebone Wyndham Pl, London W1H1PQ on the 18th May 2024 coming soon!

We are still looking for stallholders,  volunteers, speakers,  and demo cooks,  . If you are interested in any of these roles, please email fundraising@farplace.org.uk or fundraisingassistant@farplace.org.uk

To apply to book a stall: (Limited availability) https://forms.gle/xyfnsG9NEjEpjbwX9 (email for booking

information pack if you need further information first)

We also need some volunteers to help out on the day and to hand out flyers prior to the event.

To Volunteer: https://forms.gle/rQfLBSJEJubaLruZ7

To Flyer for us: https://forms.gle/zVL4NzTPVr26k3zBA